
Archive for February, 2010

metro manila filmfest

last night was the sort of official ending of the 2009 metro manila filmfest.. the cash prizes for the last year’s awardees and cash incentives for the producers were given out.

Big stars like Bong Revilla, Dolphy, Ronnie Ricketts to name a few graced the event. I was not that excited seeing these stars anymore unlike last year. The star power or the magic of seeing big stars are gone. They seem to me as ordinary persons, like no big deal if I see them. Indeed, as one of my friends say, the often you see them, the ordinary person they become..
In actuality, I was more excited with the person I was with last night. It was funny, we were like teeners trying to get a chance to be sweet when dad is not looking. hahaha..It’s because, one of our top officials (who got a big crush on me, modesty aside) sat beside us. It was so apparent that he was watching our moves. hahaha. And this guy I was with, doesn’t really give a damn. He even put his arm over my shoulder, as if saying, “Back-off old folk, this Lady is mine.” Hahaha.. I like the vey macho- type possesive character of this person…hehe

Whoa, im writing stuff out of the context.. going back to metro manila filmfest, each of the seven entries were given a One Million Peso incentive from PGMA.

Each major award winners, like Best Actor, Best Actress etc. were given 100k each, 50k for best supporting roles and other minor awards such as best musical score etc…

3rd best film received almost 300k, 2nd best film  550k and the best film  800k.

Panday took home the lion’s share of the total cash prizes considering the number of awards they received.
The event is not as glamorous or as prestigious as I have expected, it went well, nonetheless. Congrats again to all the winners!

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I started a joke….

I  am now in a predicament where I don’t know if everything is still a joke, or something serious is brewing..  Just like any other love story, it all started as a joke… I wasn’t  even sure about my feelings, wasn’t that interested at first…the whole staff are so excited about us, couldn’t contain their giggles seeing the two us together…non-stop jokes about us..joke wedding plans, joke relationships, pretending to be together for purposes of a show, sweet in front of others…then we started going out as friends, the next time I knew it we are holding each other’s hands as we walk (“without audience”)…’twas awkward at first, but last night, it happened very naturally, as if it is expected that we should hold hands…then the embraces, the kisses on cheeks….whoops, not on lips yet…hahaha… But the question is, are these actions mean something? Do I have to entertain the special feelings I am starting to feel, or let it pass coz i might just be misinterpreting his actions…Darn it, twas a joke which I started, and now I don’t know how to end it….

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diamond peel experience

I enrolled in a diamond peel treatment in one of the most trustworthy beauty clinics in the metro. It’s a 20 session, twice a month package. I enrolled in October, so supposedly I am on my 8th treatment. Thanks to my busy sched I only had 3 treatments in 4 months..haha.. Notwithstanding though my erratic visits to the clinic, I have observed that each time I have my diamond peel session, my skin feels much lighter, softer, and the grainy feel esp on my chin is much lesser. My pores are much smaller to the point of oblivion… I am not indorsing diamond peel, but I must say that I am a believer to this treatment… 🙂

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Oh my it’s Monday

It’s Monday again…oh my… I really hate it when Sunday is fast ending coz it’s Monday madness..my work week will start again, it doesn’t end even on weekends though… But still, I wanted a longer vacation, only if my schedule and work will allow me… LONG WEEKEND PLEASE!!!!!!

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it’s starstruck 5 final judgment, it’s not as excting as the first starstruck. well, nothing beats the original i guess. the finalists have lesser star power as compared to their predecessors. I hope GMA 7 can do something about this and to their programming in general, coz at the rate ABS is doing at their programming and grooming of talents now, GMA 7 would soon lose their stature as No. 1 channel in the Metropolis.

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my colleague’s son has been hunting me for weeks to offer and have a trial of the Nu skin’s products…finally, he caught me this afternoon, in between two meetings..haha.. he tried the facial wash on the back of my left hand, i couldn’t try it on my face coz i still have my make-up on and i have another meeting right after  the trial, the product was good…i could actually see the difference between my two back hands, my left hand is far softer and the lines were less visible as compared to my right hand… I would have loved to buy the facial wash, but whoa,was shocked when I asked for the price, it’s so expensive…3k… I think that is too much for a facial wash, not unless if my looks is my bread and butter and im earning hundreds and thousands of pesoses or if im jinkee pacquiao…hahaha… It’s a very good product but way way out of my budget…

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sleepless in sta mesa

another sleepless night for me as i have to finish my powerpoint presentation for tomorrow… Wish me luck that I wont forget the things which i need to discuss and impart to the justices… Hope i could impress them and won’t make a fool out of myself… Lord please help me…

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this is my first post, maybe due to the deep sadness im feeling right now which i need to think out loud…  My heart is broken and crying over my pet dog’s passing… ’twas so sudden, no sign that she’s already suffering from leptospirosis… she was the sweetest dog we ever had… she was our baby… i still can’t help but cry, couldn’t concentrate from work… I will super miss you baby Gloria… I still couldn’t accept the fact that I won’t be hearing your howling and crying anymore, that there is no more Gloria who will meet me at the gate when I arrive from work, and that there is no more Gloria who will kiss me each morning I wake up… I miss you my Gloria…

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